How To Wear A Raincoat Right Way?

Usually when the rain came suddenly, people often buy the nylon raincoat, because they think "having raincoat at home and  buy a cheap used one time and then jettison". But Cheap raincoat  synonymous with low quality because type of nylon used to produce  raincoat is thin and often easily torn even when worn for the first time if not careful. In addition, this type raincoat is designed  wearing baggy , wind breaks  for the driver. This can cause difficulties for the driver when driving in conditions  rain and  wind . Have to say, this kind of suit raincoat if rain is not too big and not much wind.
raincoat factory in Vietnam
raincoat for kids

 Raincoat bat wings is type of  raincoat with better quality and tough plastic. Many motorists are often covered the raincoat over steering, which can cause many unfortunate incidents such as raincoat steering entanglement leads to awkward to meet unexpected situations. Besides, when covered raincoat on car head will also cover the mirrors, making it impossible to observe behind.
That's not to mention the raincoat covered headlights reduced visibility caused by the driver not enough bright lights.
To wearing raincoat is effective and safer, the driver should buy raincoat bat wings type raincoat may make rearview mirror through, and raincoat use clear plastic layer to not obstruct front lighting of light. 
promotional raincoat

raincoat bat wings
raincoat bat wings
It should be noted when wearing raincoat bat wings, the driver should sit override the the rear wing of the raincoat so it does not fly when vehicles moves. This helps water not splashing on person go back and raincoat not caught up in the rear tires.
Hoping these things is helpful for everybody.

Green Longan Co..,Ltd
Add: #21, C27 Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Tel: (+84) 977 047 697 (Ms Anda)
       (+855) 979 712 124  (Mr. Khanh)
        (+855) 889 400 133 (Mr Cung)
Skype: ugly_ketty                       


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