A cap make success of a marketing strategy

Hat Factory in Vietnam

Custom caps are a great way to provide as part of staff uniforms. 

Company hold direct marketing program in the schools, supermarkets, shops mobile phone, computer, laptop .... The marketing staff in the company's uniforms and caps with featured color in brand identity system will create harmony, synchronization and highlight the company brand.

Cool Cap

We can realize clearly that the success of a direct marketing program will not be lack of professionalism in choosing PG, PB, as well as how staff dress so that customers can identify company brand easily and create trust from customers by professional working style of a prestigious business. 


Sometimes we pay little attention to the unimportant elements, in this case, the caps which marketing staffs wear. However, for an excellent marketer, they will foster the efficiency of the marketing strategy through each "unimportant elements", they will take advantage of the look from all sides of the customer to focus on the PG, PB to advertise the brand image through the hat which PG wearing.

Polo Hat

With many years experience in the production of promotional products, Green Longan has become a trusted partner for many small and large companies at home and abroad. Understanding customer psychology and heighten the motto "What bring success to your company will bring success to us", Green Longan hope to be accompanied with your company in marketing strategies.

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