Just go to the market and protect the environment with eco bags!


We have talked much about the harmful effects of plastic bags, plastic shopping bags every day significantly increases the amount of trash in vain, which are difficult to degrade, causing environmental pollution. So scrabble alternative here is what? I would suggest switching to eco bags.
Every day the world emit millions of tons of plastic bags, which affect the lives of thousands of people and severely affected land and water resources. The use of plastic shopping bags every day also significantly increases the amount of trash in vain, which is very difficult to degrade.
You and your neighbors can completely create a different world, a world of green for future generations, which is to minimize the garbage today using eco bags and say no with plastic bags.


Eco bag is what?
Eco bags are very lovely, with cotton or polyester material. Eco bag is often used instead of using plastic bags, have now been used very popular in many countries around the world. Currently on the market two types of eco bag:
 - Eco bags made from polyester, nylon, but so long as nylon persistent, causing environmental pollution while polyester does not. Bags can be used to store many items daily chores with cute shape from animal chatter to form flowers ... You can fold napkins small to carry, handy when you need to.
 - Eco bags made of cotton (cotton) is often used to go to the market, after use can be cleaned easily dried for further use.
Currently in a number of large supermarkets have used eco bag to replace plastic bags packaging.


Eco bags are the choice of the new housewife. They were often go shopping, they see the advantages of the current eco bag. The biggest benefit of eco bag firstly environmental protection because it is used repeatedly and in a long time.
 Through the use of eco bags, a large plastic bag, which is very difficult to decompose this matter is greatly minimized. Not to mention the eco bags easy cleaning, drying, waterproof, compact foldable easy to carry away, very handy for users.
 Not to mention eco bag is very versatile, can just go to the market could be used to go out for an design and rich genre and accompanied by the slogan was fun.


 Right now, everyone should consider using eco bags, work together to protect the environment.
Green Longan- eco bags factory in Vietnam, where the bulk produce, eco bag for individuals and organizations. Please contact us to show you that people are responsible for themselves and society.

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