Tip for wash clothes

+ Remover stains of coffee, tea on t-shirt screen printing:
  Clothes being poured into tea or coffee, if you use hot water wash away the stains will expire soon. But if stains has dried for a long time and then how to do more complex. We can refer to one of the following ways:
     - Mix the egg yolks with glycerol applied to the site of the stain, wait a bit dry se, we get clean water to wash, clean stains will
     - First of all soaked in glycerol using stains, stains and sprinkled a little boric acid (H3BO3), then soaked in boiling water and clothes washing, stains will end.
     - Use a dilute solution of ammonia, alkaline and damp mop up water stains, stains stains caused by coffee and tea will end. If the phase-woven wool, without liquid ammonia small, only 10% glycerol solution clean laundry.

t-shirt screen printing

+ How washing collar and sleeves:
- In the summer, collar and sleeve very dirty. When cleaning, first we need to bring t-shirt screen printing are soaking wet for at collar and sleeves, we applied to the first layer of toothpaste, then brush lightly brush a few minutes; Or it may rub on the sleeve and collar a little salt, hand pat, then use water to wash off toothpaste and salt, then wash as usual, so, collar and sleeves will very clean.
     - Austria after washing it, I get a little talcum powder sprinkled child collar and sleeves, then we use mild iron board, next sprinkle talcum powder. Times after washing, collar and sleeves will quickly clean laundry.
     - New shirt or a new sewing t-shirts , before use, we used swabs petrol (gasoline preferably white) apply petroleum-up collar and sleeves a few times, wait until dry gas evaporates, our new water use washing clean. After doing so, the dirty clothes, collar and sleeves are easy to wash.
custom comfort colors

+ Anti-stain a white t-shirt:
     After wearing white t-shirt, washing several times very easily turn yellow. If you regularly use water soaked rice, clothes, clothes will not be gold. Or after washing it, we can also put a few drops of blue ink in water and then soak it in water washing clothes. Doing so is also very effective in combating white clothes turning yellow.
white t-shirt

+ How to treat iron white t-shirt caught fire:
- With burn marks on clothing silk fabric, we take one less caustic soda powder mixed in water such as lakes become thick, applied to burns, dry powder to naturally burn will lose after powder dry and flaking out clothes.
- Clothing chemical fiber board after gold, we must immediately get wet washcloth placed to cover the board, if not much yellow stain may recover its original state.
- Item cotton when gold board, we need to get the salt crystals sprinkled right, then pat hand, exposure to the sun one time, used wash water, the burn will lessen, maybe even lost .
- The fire board traces in flannelette after washing several times loses velvet coat to reveal the fabric. We can use the hook needles where no hair gently until aroused by a new coat, use a wet cloth covering them, then reverse the direction of the hair coat is old repeatedly.

- In winter coats should not regular laundry. If thick coat unfortunately burnt hair, you can use emery paper to smooth the good kind where you look at the fire, and then brushing lightly, the burn will lose.
shirt printing
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