Promotional products factory

     Welcome to Green Longan!
     Our company specializes in providing promotionalproducts such as promotionalcaps and hats, promotional T-shirts, jackets, backpacklaptop, promotion bag, raincoat to order large quantities with competitive prices.

Backpack laptop


     With many years of experience in the industry, Green Longan was proud supplier to major brands such as Honda, Coco Cola, FPT, etc...

Promotional caps
Travel backpack
Promotional T-shirts

Promotional T-shirts
     Come to us, you will be enthusiastic and helpful advice many choices of designs and colors, to the material and type of promotional products, including promotional caps and hats, promotional T-shirts, jackets, raincoat, backpack laptop and promotionbag.
Promotion bag

Green Longan Co.,Ltd
Add: #21, C27 Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Tel: (+84) 977 047 697 Ms. Anda
       (+855) 979 712 124 Mr. Khanh
Skype: ugly_ketty

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