Green Longan jacket manufacturer

Green Longan jacket manufacturer hopes you to have a nice day!
Jacket is very useful! It not only protects you from the sunlight but also keep you warm in the cold weather. Besides that, jacket can be an effective promotional item because it give you a large space to show any information.
Come to Green Longan, you will have many choices such as: jacket for women, leather jacket, quilted jackets, denim jackets, etc…
Moreover, we always give customers attractive promotion if you come to us.
Jacket manufacturer

Jacket manufacturer


Promotional jacket


To get more information, please contact:
Green Longan Co.,Ltd
Add: #21, C27 Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Tel: (+84) 964 944 727 and (+855) 889 400 133 Mr. Cung
       (+855) 979 712 124 Mr. Khanh
Skype: cungthach1984

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